Jakarta (Antara Bali) - A 7.6-magnitude earthquake that has triggered a  tsunami alert  at 01.35 am local time in Aceh on Wednesday (Jan 11) was caused by shifting sea plates, an official said.

According to the National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB)'s spokesperson Sutopo Purwo Nugroho here Thursday  the quake struck   after the sea plates had been pushing underneath the Eurasia continent plate.

Sutopo said that there is an opposite post seismystic activity when the shifting occurs which caused an accumulation of  sea trenches.

"This accumulation produces a an earthquake fault," he said.

The quake epicenter was considered to be unusual because it occurred in a regular place for the meeting zone of the plates, he said.

Usually, the shear earthquake fault does not trigger a tsunami, Sutopo said.

The agency is still coordinating with the Regional Disaster Management Agency after the earthquake.

He also asked residents not to panic because the large aftershock possibility is very small.(IGT)


Editor : Masuki