Jakarta (Antara Bali) - Indonesia and New Zealand have agreed to cooperate in handling terrorism, head of the National Agency for Combating Terrorism ( BNPT), Commissioner General Suhardi Alius stated.

"We have agreed to give information and convey the ways to prevent and tackle terrorism respectively," Suhardi Alius said here on Wednesday.

General Suhardi Alius received Assistant Commissioner of New Zealand International and National Security Michael Pannet and officials of the New Zealand Embassy in Indonesia.

The meeting was used to exchange experiences on countering terrorism in their respective countries, including how to deal with foreign terrorist fighters (FTF) which had been a serious threat to countries in Southeast Asia

"There are some similarities in views and practices undertaken by Indonesia and New Zealand in applying a soft approach to the family of radical groups," he remarked.

One of them is implementing deradicalization program.

"We build Mosque and others," he said.

New Zealand lauded the successful implementation of sub regional meeting foreign terrorist fighters and cross border terrorism in Manado, on Saturday (July 29).

The meeting was participated in by six countries namely Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Brunei, Australia, and New Zealand.

New Zealand received important feeback in relation to counterterrorism.

"During the meeting, we discuss the anticipation of foreign terrorist fighters, the law enforcement and the counterterrorism," he revealed.(*)


Editor : I Gusti Bagus Widyantara