Prabowo-Hatta Team of Lawyers Shows Election Rigging in Each Province

Pewarta :

Prabowo-Hatta Team of Lawyers Shows Election Rigging in Each Province

Jakarta (Antara Bali) - The team of lawyers of the losing presidential candidate Prabowo Subianto and his running mate Hatta Rajasa provided details of its allegation of election rigging in each of the countrys 33 provinces in its dossier of law suit filed with the Constitutional Court on Friday.

The Prabowo-Hatta camp has rejected the result of the July 9 presidential election accusing the Election Commission (KPU) of being unfair in favor of its rival candidate Joko Widodo (Jokowi) and his running mate Jusuf Kalla (JK).

The Constitutional Court published the lawsuit through its official website, making the information available to the public.

Among the allegations are "irregularities" in Aceh with the number of voters not the same as the number of ballot papers.

The Prabowo-Hatta camp accused KUP of failing to carry out a fair election in Aceh although it led in that province with around 55 percent of the votes.

In North Sumatra the team of 95 lawyers cited rigging in South Nias that polling had to be repeated in that district where Jokowi-JK led with vast majority.

The team said KPU has refused to comply with a request by the Prabowo-Hatta camp to repeat polling in a number of polling centers where rules had been violated.

In West Sumatra there were structured, systematic and massive violation as indicated by the fact that the number of voters does not tally with the ballot papers valid and invalid, the team said.

In other provinces there were illegal voters including 444,756 in Riau, where Praboro-Hatta led, 213,789 in Jambi and 78,581 in Bangka Belitung, where Jokowi led, it said.

In Jakarta and Lampung, where Jokowi led, there were mobilization of voters and in Jakarta KPU failed to comply with recommendation of the election watchdog body Bawaslu to check 5,817 polling centers and repeat polling in 13 polling, it said.

KPU did repeat polling in 13 polling centers in Jakarta as recommended by Bawaslu, it said.

In West Java, the countrys most populous province, where the Prabowo-Hatta camp led with a vast majority, KPU gave no strong response to call by the camp via the Bawaslu to settle irregularities, the team said.

The team also said there were similar violation of polling regulations and irregularities in other provinces including Central Java, Yogyakarta, East Java, Bali, West Nusatenggara, East Nusatenggara and all provinces in Kalimantan and Sulawesi, and North Maluku, Papua and West Papua.

Altogether Prabowo-Hatta led only in 10 provinces with Jokowi-JK were victorious in 23 provinces.

The team also said there were indications of money politics committed by the Jokowi-JK camp in the city of Probolinggo, East Java.

The team said money, sarongs and foods were distributed among voters in a number of villages in that province.

Meanwhile, in Makassar, South Sulawesi, a chairman of the campaign team of the Jokowi-JK camp Alwi Hamu described the allegations of the Prabowo-Hatta camp as entirely false.

Alwi charged back by accusing the Prabowo-Hatta camp of being behind the publication of a tabloid the "Obor Rakyat" which carried libelous stories about Jokowi in pre election campaigns.

He likened the Prabowo-Hatta camp to a thief calling other a thief.

Prabowo had also been accused of violating election rule by sending personal letters containing his political visions in envelopes allegedly with money to school teachers all over the country .

The election law prohibits involving certain institutions including educational institution in political activities or campaigns.

"We have been patient all along and kept silent about all of the allegations," Alwi said.(WDY)
Editor: I Gusti Bagus Widyantara