First Lady Fully Recovers

Pewarta :

First Lady Fully Recovers

Pittsburgh (Antara Bali) - Indonesia's First Lady Ani Yudhoyono has fully recovered after undergoing cervical  spinal nerve surgery in Pittsburgh, the United States, on June 15.

The surgery went well and successfully, and therefore she joined President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyonoand and his entourage to Los Cabos Mexico to attend the G20 Summit, Julian A Pasha, a presidential spokesman, said on the presidential plane on Saturday.  

"Madamme Ani has fully recovered" Julian said.

The First Lady earlier told the press that the surgery took place for around one hour.

The First Lady and her entourage left for Pittsburgh  for medical treatment on a commercial flight on June 12.

She was accompanied by her son, Edhie Baskoro Yudhoyono, and chief of the team of presidential doctors, Brig Gen Aris Pribudi in Pittsburgh.(IGT)

Editor: Masuki