London (Antara Bali) - Indonesia has invited world financial service companies to invest in the country, Cabinet Secretary Pramono Anung said here on Tuesday.
"In London, we have met with world financial service industrialists with a view to strengthening our finances," he said.
Pramono Anung was among the entourage members accompanying President Joko Widodo during his current visit to Britain after visiting Germany the day before.
Pramono said Indonesia could not only rely on tax income and there is need to strengthen its financial sector.
"We are inviting any party to come to invest in Indonesia that would benefit the country," he said.
Although the government has been intensifying efforts to lure investors to come to the country, it continues to pay attention to improve the quality of human resources, gini ratio and small and medium businesses, he said.
"The government has already deregulated many areas, including reducing the list of sectors for investment but it has not yet gone global and, therefore, the President, the Finance Minister and the Governor of Bank Indonesia have informed the world financial industrialists about these steps here in London," he said.
He said, a number of agreements were signed by Indonesia and Britain during the visit.
In a meeting between President Joko Widodo and Prime Minister David Cameron, a number of memorandums of understanding were signed by Foreign Minister Retno Marsudi, Minister of Fisheries and Marine Resources Susi Pudjiastuti, head of creative economic agency, Triawan Munaf, president director of flag carrier Garuda Indonesia with their partners.
The MOUs include tertiary education, information and experience sharing about hosting sports events, creative industries, implementing agreement on marine affairs and fisheries and an agreement between Garuda and Airbus. (WDY)
"In London, we have met with world financial service industrialists with a view to strengthening our finances," he said.
Pramono Anung was among the entourage members accompanying President Joko Widodo during his current visit to Britain after visiting Germany the day before.
Pramono said Indonesia could not only rely on tax income and there is need to strengthen its financial sector.
"We are inviting any party to come to invest in Indonesia that would benefit the country," he said.
Although the government has been intensifying efforts to lure investors to come to the country, it continues to pay attention to improve the quality of human resources, gini ratio and small and medium businesses, he said.
"The government has already deregulated many areas, including reducing the list of sectors for investment but it has not yet gone global and, therefore, the President, the Finance Minister and the Governor of Bank Indonesia have informed the world financial industrialists about these steps here in London," he said.
He said, a number of agreements were signed by Indonesia and Britain during the visit.
In a meeting between President Joko Widodo and Prime Minister David Cameron, a number of memorandums of understanding were signed by Foreign Minister Retno Marsudi, Minister of Fisheries and Marine Resources Susi Pudjiastuti, head of creative economic agency, Triawan Munaf, president director of flag carrier Garuda Indonesia with their partners.
The MOUs include tertiary education, information and experience sharing about hosting sports events, creative industries, implementing agreement on marine affairs and fisheries and an agreement between Garuda and Airbus. (WDY)
Editor : I Gusti Bagus Widyantara