Jakarta (Antara Bali) - As of Friday, the swearing in of General Gatot Nurmantyo as chief of the Indonesian National Defense Forces (TNI) has not been scheduled, according to Minister/State Secretary Pratikno.
"The induction of Gatot has not been scheduled," Pratikno said, after attending a ceremony to commemorate Nuzulul Quran at the State Palace here on Friday night.
In its 36th plenary session here on Friday, the House of Representatives (DPR) approved the candidacy of General Gatot Nurmantyo for the post of the commander of the Indonesian Defense Forces.
The plenary session was chaired by Deputy House Speaker Fahri Hamzah.
Chairman of Commission I of the DPR Mahfudz Siddiq reported during the meeting that on Wednesday, Commission I had agreed to accept General Nurmantyo's candidacy for the post of the TNI chief after he sat for a fit and proper test they conducted.
"A total of ten factions of Commission I approved Nurmantyo's nomination for the position of the TNI commander to replace General Moeldoko, who has entered retirement age," Siddiq noted.
In addition, Commission I expressed its appreciation of General Moeldoko's achievements during his term as military commander.
General Nurmantyo is currently the army chief of staff.
He served as governor of the Military Academy during the 2009-2010 period, as the commander of the Brawijaya Military Regional Command in the 2010-2011 period, the commander of the Army Education Command between 2011 and 2013, and the commander of the Army Strategic Command.
Asked if he had participated in a meeting between President Joko Widodo and Darmin Nasution, Pratikno said he had not.
"I did not join the meeting," Pratikno said, adding that the president invited numerous figures, including Darmin Nasution, to receive input from them.
"The president wanted to get input from them. This is a democratic country and the president needs to get input from different parties," he noted. (WDY)
"The induction of Gatot has not been scheduled," Pratikno said, after attending a ceremony to commemorate Nuzulul Quran at the State Palace here on Friday night.
In its 36th plenary session here on Friday, the House of Representatives (DPR) approved the candidacy of General Gatot Nurmantyo for the post of the commander of the Indonesian Defense Forces.
The plenary session was chaired by Deputy House Speaker Fahri Hamzah.
Chairman of Commission I of the DPR Mahfudz Siddiq reported during the meeting that on Wednesday, Commission I had agreed to accept General Nurmantyo's candidacy for the post of the TNI chief after he sat for a fit and proper test they conducted.
"A total of ten factions of Commission I approved Nurmantyo's nomination for the position of the TNI commander to replace General Moeldoko, who has entered retirement age," Siddiq noted.
In addition, Commission I expressed its appreciation of General Moeldoko's achievements during his term as military commander.
General Nurmantyo is currently the army chief of staff.
He served as governor of the Military Academy during the 2009-2010 period, as the commander of the Brawijaya Military Regional Command in the 2010-2011 period, the commander of the Army Education Command between 2011 and 2013, and the commander of the Army Strategic Command.
Asked if he had participated in a meeting between President Joko Widodo and Darmin Nasution, Pratikno said he had not.
"I did not join the meeting," Pratikno said, adding that the president invited numerous figures, including Darmin Nasution, to receive input from them.
"The president wanted to get input from them. This is a democratic country and the president needs to get input from different parties," he noted. (WDY)
Editor : I Gusti Bagus Widyantara