Jakarta (Antara Bali) - The Medical Emergency Rescue Committee (MER-C) has requested President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) to inaugurate the Indonesian hospital in Gaza, Palestine, stated a MER-C official.
"We have requested the president to inaugurate the hospital in Gaza at any time that is suitable to him," MER-C Presidium Dr Joserizal Jurnalis stated after meeting Jokowi at the Merdeka Palace on Wednesday.
Joserizal reveals that the president will ask Minister/State Secretary Pratikno to adjust his schedule to inaugurate the hospital in Gaza.
According to Joserizal, the Indonesian hospital is currently ready for a soft launch, so that it can be started, and the people in Gaza can avail its facilities.
Further, he noted that the hospital, which has been built using the contributions received from the Indonesian community, will later be donated to the Palestinians for further management.
"Therefore we have requested the president to inaugurate it," Joserizal noted in the company of other MER-C officials.
He explained that the hospital, equipped with modern equipment, was built on a 1.6-hectare plot of land at a cost of Rp120 billion and has 100 beds and ten ICU beds.
Once operational, the hospital will function to treat traumatized war victims in emergency situations, and it will also treat patients with common diseases during peace time.
In the meantime, Presidential Communication Team spokesman Teten Masduki noted in a press statement that President Jokowi has informed MER-C to be patient while waiting for the Egyptian government's permission to enter Palestine via Rafah.
Teten stated that the president is optimistic that the presence of the Indonesian hospital in Gaza would strengthen friendship between the people of Indonesia and Palestine. (WDY)
"We have requested the president to inaugurate the hospital in Gaza at any time that is suitable to him," MER-C Presidium Dr Joserizal Jurnalis stated after meeting Jokowi at the Merdeka Palace on Wednesday.
Joserizal reveals that the president will ask Minister/State Secretary Pratikno to adjust his schedule to inaugurate the hospital in Gaza.
According to Joserizal, the Indonesian hospital is currently ready for a soft launch, so that it can be started, and the people in Gaza can avail its facilities.
Further, he noted that the hospital, which has been built using the contributions received from the Indonesian community, will later be donated to the Palestinians for further management.
"Therefore we have requested the president to inaugurate it," Joserizal noted in the company of other MER-C officials.
He explained that the hospital, equipped with modern equipment, was built on a 1.6-hectare plot of land at a cost of Rp120 billion and has 100 beds and ten ICU beds.
Once operational, the hospital will function to treat traumatized war victims in emergency situations, and it will also treat patients with common diseases during peace time.
In the meantime, Presidential Communication Team spokesman Teten Masduki noted in a press statement that President Jokowi has informed MER-C to be patient while waiting for the Egyptian government's permission to enter Palestine via Rafah.
Teten stated that the president is optimistic that the presence of the Indonesian hospital in Gaza would strengthen friendship between the people of Indonesia and Palestine. (WDY)
Editor : I Gusti Bagus Widyantara