Jakarta (Antara Bali) - Countries in the Asian and African regions
should reform the UN Security Council, so that it is no longer
controlled by the five powerful countries, an Indonesian international
relations observer Teuku Rezasyah stated here, Monday.
"These five countries: the United States, Russia, the Peoples Republic of China, Britain, and France no longer represent the progress of development at the national level and peace and idealism at the global level," noted Rezasyah.
Therefore, the reformation of the UN Security Councils structure by increasing the membership that represents Asia, Africa, Australia, Latin America, including the European region, is necessary.
"The membership criteria could be defined based on population (Indonesia, India, Nigeria, Brazil); by area (Indonesia, India, Australia); based on the civilization advantages (Indonesia, India, Japan); or based on the national development success (Japan, Germany)," Rezasyah explained.
The criteria should then be based on the success achieved by countries such as Japan, Germany, and Australia in assisting developing countries and based on the ability to synergize modernization with local values such as in Indonesia, India, and Japan.
Besides this, Indonesia, as one of the Asian-African Conferences initiators, is expected to initiate development in Asia and Africa, by inviting the involvement of all governments and communities in Asia and Africa.
"To make the region democratic and a peaceful area free of ethnic-, religious-, or race-based conflicts and acts of terrorism, narcotics, and psychotropic substances, we also need to lay emphasis on upholding local democratic values and creating a zone free of nuclear weapons and other weapons of mass destruction," Rezasyah emphasized.
The events marking the 60th anniversary commemoration of the Asia-Africa Conference commenced on Sunday, with a meeting between high-level delegates in Jakarta, followed by ministerial-level meetings on Monday.
The Asia-Africa Business Summit is scheduled on April 21-22.
On the last day, which falls on April 24, the delegates will take part in a historical walk from the Savoy Homman Hotel to Merdeka Building. (WDY)
"These five countries: the United States, Russia, the Peoples Republic of China, Britain, and France no longer represent the progress of development at the national level and peace and idealism at the global level," noted Rezasyah.
Therefore, the reformation of the UN Security Councils structure by increasing the membership that represents Asia, Africa, Australia, Latin America, including the European region, is necessary.
"The membership criteria could be defined based on population (Indonesia, India, Nigeria, Brazil); by area (Indonesia, India, Australia); based on the civilization advantages (Indonesia, India, Japan); or based on the national development success (Japan, Germany)," Rezasyah explained.
The criteria should then be based on the success achieved by countries such as Japan, Germany, and Australia in assisting developing countries and based on the ability to synergize modernization with local values such as in Indonesia, India, and Japan.
Besides this, Indonesia, as one of the Asian-African Conferences initiators, is expected to initiate development in Asia and Africa, by inviting the involvement of all governments and communities in Asia and Africa.
"To make the region democratic and a peaceful area free of ethnic-, religious-, or race-based conflicts and acts of terrorism, narcotics, and psychotropic substances, we also need to lay emphasis on upholding local democratic values and creating a zone free of nuclear weapons and other weapons of mass destruction," Rezasyah emphasized.
The events marking the 60th anniversary commemoration of the Asia-Africa Conference commenced on Sunday, with a meeting between high-level delegates in Jakarta, followed by ministerial-level meetings on Monday.
The Asia-Africa Business Summit is scheduled on April 21-22.
On the last day, which falls on April 24, the delegates will take part in a historical walk from the Savoy Homman Hotel to Merdeka Building. (WDY)
Editor : I Gusti Bagus Widyantara