Cimahi, W Java (Antara Bali) - Indonesian Military (TNI) commander Gen. Moeldoko has said that TNI has already analyzed various potential threats that could possibly affect KAA participating countries.
The Asia-Africa Summit meeting will be held on April 22-23 in Jakarta. Leaders from several Asian and African countries will gather in Bandung on April 24.
"We have analyzed threats that may possibly affect participating countries in the Asia Africa Conference (KAA)," General Moeldoko said here on Monday.
He emphasized that the Indonesian Military has made all the preparations needed to secure the implementation of KAA properly. "We have made the preparations to secure the Asia Africa Conference (KAA)," he affirmed.
Related to possible threats, Moeldoko noted, that the military has taken anticipatory measures including preparing troops in the field. Meanwhile, the West Java police have also prepared 4,000 personnel to secure the implementation of The Asia-Africa Summit.
Earlier, Bandung Mayor Ridwan Kamil has instructed officials in every agency or working unit to improve infrastructure facilities ahead of the 60th anniversary of the Asian-African Conference. (WDY)
The Asia-Africa Summit meeting will be held on April 22-23 in Jakarta. Leaders from several Asian and African countries will gather in Bandung on April 24.
"We have analyzed threats that may possibly affect participating countries in the Asia Africa Conference (KAA)," General Moeldoko said here on Monday.
He emphasized that the Indonesian Military has made all the preparations needed to secure the implementation of KAA properly. "We have made the preparations to secure the Asia Africa Conference (KAA)," he affirmed.
Related to possible threats, Moeldoko noted, that the military has taken anticipatory measures including preparing troops in the field. Meanwhile, the West Java police have also prepared 4,000 personnel to secure the implementation of The Asia-Africa Summit.
Earlier, Bandung Mayor Ridwan Kamil has instructed officials in every agency or working unit to improve infrastructure facilities ahead of the 60th anniversary of the Asian-African Conference. (WDY)
Editor : I Gusti Bagus Widyantara