Indonesia Suffers Deficit of Statesmen

Minggu, 11 Mei 2014 7:19 WIB

Jakarta (Antara Bali) - Vice President Boediono has said that Indonesia is undergoing a deficit of statesmen from different sectors, which must be developed to achieve national success.

"Indonesia faces not only a deficit of the balance of payments and a deficit of a balanced budget, but also a deficit of statesmen, though not a deficit of politicians," he said in his opening address to "The First Young Leader Indonesia Annual Conference 2014" here on Saturday.

Young Leaders for Indonesia (YLI) was initiated by PT McKinsey Indonesia in 2008 and evolved into an independent foundation in 2010. The YLI, which is currently supported by national leaders and figures, is a six-month program for students who have high achievements and the potential to become leaders. YLI participants include students from more than 30 prominent universities from throughout the country.

Boediono said the largest deficit was a shortage of reliable players in the nations politics, caused by a lack of the younger generations enthusiasm for politics.

The country has made a success in its struggle because it was led by the best of earlier Indonesian children, he said.

He realized that the number of young people interested in politics continues to decline.

"It is worth noting that we need statesmen who work closely to produce good political products and rules of the game," he said.

Boediono said he, himself, was not a politician. But since he worked for the government, he must have a good knowledge of politics.

"To be a good politician, we must have a strong vision, otherwise, we will become pawns," he said.(WDY)


Editor : I Gusti Bagus Widyantara



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