Jakarta (Antara Bali) - The government will sell rupiah bonds valued at Rp8 trillion on Tuesday to help plug up a deficit in the 2013 state budget.
The directorate general for debt management of the finance ministry said in a statement here on Monday the bonds would consist of five series with a nominal value of Rp1 billion per unit.
The five series include new issue SPN03131211 with interest to be paid with discount maturing in December this year;
Series SPN12140911 , new issue, with interest to be paid with discount maturing on Sept 11, next year; Series FR0068 , a reselling with fixed interest rate maturing on March 15, 2034; Series FR0070 , a reselling with fixed coupon rate maturing on March 15 , 2024 with coupon rate to be paid every Sept 15 and March 15; and Series FR0071 , new issue, with fixed coupon rate maturing on March 15 in 2029 with coupon to be paid every Sept 15 and March 15 every year.
The sales of the state bond will be with an open auction by Bank Indonesia. (*/DWA)
The directorate general for debt management of the finance ministry said in a statement here on Monday the bonds would consist of five series with a nominal value of Rp1 billion per unit.
The five series include new issue SPN03131211 with interest to be paid with discount maturing in December this year;
Series SPN12140911 , new issue, with interest to be paid with discount maturing on Sept 11, next year; Series FR0068 , a reselling with fixed interest rate maturing on March 15, 2034; Series FR0070 , a reselling with fixed coupon rate maturing on March 15 , 2024 with coupon rate to be paid every Sept 15 and March 15; and Series FR0071 , new issue, with fixed coupon rate maturing on March 15 in 2029 with coupon to be paid every Sept 15 and March 15 every year.
The sales of the state bond will be with an open auction by Bank Indonesia. (*/DWA)
Editor : Dewa Sudiarta Wiguna