Denpasar (Antara Bali) - The occupancy rates of star-rated hotels in Bali rose 1.39 percent to 62.44 percent in July from the previous month.
"The occupancy rate is fairly good in the low season. Occupancy rate of more than 50 percent would be enough to cover operating cost and salaries of employees," head of the Bali office of the Central Bureau of Statistic (BPS) Gede Suarsa said here on Thursday.
Suarsa said there were 297.878 foreign visitors to Bali in July, up 9.71 percent from the same month last year or 8.06 percent from June this year. Most of the visitors stayed in star-rated hotels, he said.
The highest occupancy rates were recorded by hotels in the regency of Buleleng reaching 68.08 percent and the lowest was recorded by hotels in the regency of Karangasem at 58.08 percent.
Hotels in the regency of Badung, mostly star rated hotels, recorded occupancy rates averaging 63.44 percent, down from 67.79 percent in June. (*/M038)
"The occupancy rate is fairly good in the low season. Occupancy rate of more than 50 percent would be enough to cover operating cost and salaries of employees," head of the Bali office of the Central Bureau of Statistic (BPS) Gede Suarsa said here on Thursday.
Suarsa said there were 297.878 foreign visitors to Bali in July, up 9.71 percent from the same month last year or 8.06 percent from June this year. Most of the visitors stayed in star-rated hotels, he said.
The highest occupancy rates were recorded by hotels in the regency of Buleleng reaching 68.08 percent and the lowest was recorded by hotels in the regency of Karangasem at 58.08 percent.
Hotels in the regency of Badung, mostly star rated hotels, recorded occupancy rates averaging 63.44 percent, down from 67.79 percent in June. (*/M038)
Editor : M. Irfan Ilmie