Nusa Dua (Antara Bali) - The 18th Transportation Ministerial Meeting of ASEAN (South East Asia) member countries has discussed and set the goals of ASEAN Connectivity 2015 program.

"Our first target is to ensure the implementation of certain goals that we had set under the 2012 ASEAN Connectivity program. By the end of 2013, we will re-evaluate the effectiveness of our initial measures," Indonesian Transportation Minister E.E Mangindaan said here on Thursday.

"Initially, there were some issues relating to certain agreements that had been signed by air transport authorities from Indonesia, Singapore, Malaysia, and Thailand," he stated.

"All of those problems have been resolved. The agreements per se had no problem; it's just that the airlines faced some technical challenges," Mangindaan explained.

He said Garuda Indonesia, the national airline, had already expressed its readiness to comply with goals set under the ASEAN Connectivity 2015 program, while other domestic private airlines were expected to follow suit.

"All our airlines are likely to cooperate in order to overcome the challenges ahead of the implementation of the open sky policy in the ASEAN region," Mangindaan said. (*/T007)


Editor : Nyoman Budhiana