Sukabumi (Antara Bali) - The 4.8-magnitude earthquake which was centered in Bogor district, West Java, early Sunday left 185 houses in neighboring Sukabumi district damaged.

"Based on a preliminary report from four villages the number of damaged houses by 05.00 p.m. reached 185. The number is likely to increase as several villages have not reported the number of damaged houses," Nurdin Sofyan, public order officer of Kabandungan subdistrict, Sukabumi district, said on Sunday.

All the houses were damaged lightly, he said.

The 185 houses consisted of 40 at Tugu Bandung village, five at Mekarjaya village, three at Cihamerang village and 135 at Cipeutey village.

The quake also caused damage to a school building and irrigation network at Cipeutey village.(IGT)


Editor : Masuki