Denpasar (Antaranews Bali) - President Joko Widodo flagged off a parade of art troupes to mark the opening of the 40th Bali Art Festival here, Saturday, an annual event to boost the creative potential of people in the region.
"In the name of Allah, I declare the 40th Bali Art Festival open," he stated before striking a gong to mark the start of the parade.
Widodo was accompanied by Minister of Cooperatives and Small and Medium Enterprises Anak Agung Ngurah Puspayoga, Minister of Education and Culture Muhadjir Effendi, and Bali Governor Made Mangku Pastika.
President Widodo attended the event in the company of First Lady Iriana and several cabinet members sporting Balinese traditional costumes.
Governor Pastika remarked that this year`s event was themed "Fire, the Spirit of Life."
He said the Bali Art Festival is an annual art event that showcases the artworks of artists from the nine districts and towns of the island province.
He hailed the president`s presence at the festival that he believed would lend moral support to the Balinese people, especially artists, to continue to create and develop the local culture.
A total of 17 art troupes were involved in the parade, including from the Chinese province of Guangxi, the Japanese consulate, Indonesia Arts and Culture Institute of Papua, and the Lesser Sunda Cooperation Forum. (WDY)
"In the name of Allah, I declare the 40th Bali Art Festival open," he stated before striking a gong to mark the start of the parade.
Widodo was accompanied by Minister of Cooperatives and Small and Medium Enterprises Anak Agung Ngurah Puspayoga, Minister of Education and Culture Muhadjir Effendi, and Bali Governor Made Mangku Pastika.
President Widodo attended the event in the company of First Lady Iriana and several cabinet members sporting Balinese traditional costumes.
Governor Pastika remarked that this year`s event was themed "Fire, the Spirit of Life."
He said the Bali Art Festival is an annual art event that showcases the artworks of artists from the nine districts and towns of the island province.
He hailed the president`s presence at the festival that he believed would lend moral support to the Balinese people, especially artists, to continue to create and develop the local culture.
A total of 17 art troupes were involved in the parade, including from the Chinese province of Guangxi, the Japanese consulate, Indonesia Arts and Culture Institute of Papua, and the Lesser Sunda Cooperation Forum. (WDY)
Editor : Dewa Sudiarta Wiguna