Jakarta (Antara Bali) - Finance Minister Sri Mulyani said that she would not as yet prioritize submitting bill on rupiah redenomination for discussion at the House of Representatives (DPR).

"Right now, the government has not thought of submitting the bill (to the DPR)," she stated after attending a media discussion here on Thursday.

She noted that there were still some law amendment bills being discussed that have already been put in the national legislation program.

Several bills for the 2017 legislation program being drafted and prepared by the finance ministry include bill on amendment of Law Number 20 of 1997 on non-tax revenue, bill on fifth amendment of Law Number 6 of 1983 on general provisions and tax procedures, bill on value-added tax and tax on luxury goods, bill on income tax, bill on land and building, and others.

Besides prioritizing the bills, Mulyani remarked that the government would also focus on discussing the 2018 budget.

"Right now, I think we will not as yet discuss redenomination because we still are yet to focus on the 2018 budget. So, we have to postpone it," she revealed.(*)


Editor : I Gusti Bagus Widyantara