Jakarta (Antara Bali) - A man attacked two police Mobile Brigade members
after the end of Isha prayer at Falatehan Mosque in Trunojoyo, South
Jakarta, on Friday evening.
"That is true," head of public information department of the Indonesia Police headquarters, Senior Commissioner Martinus Sitompul confirmed when asked to confirm the incident.
He explained that just after the conclusion of Isha prayer at Falatehan Mosque, a man suddenly stabbed two Brimob members, who were beside him, using a bayonet.
After stabbing the policemen, he raised the knife and shouting "thogut" and threatened to attack members of the congregation.
He then ran out of the mosque. A Brimob member on guard fired two warning shot, which were ignored by the man.
He even shouted "Allahu Akbar" (God is Great) and pointed his knife up.
Finally, the Brimob member shot him dead. (WDY)
"That is true," head of public information department of the Indonesia Police headquarters, Senior Commissioner Martinus Sitompul confirmed when asked to confirm the incident.
He explained that just after the conclusion of Isha prayer at Falatehan Mosque, a man suddenly stabbed two Brimob members, who were beside him, using a bayonet.
After stabbing the policemen, he raised the knife and shouting "thogut" and threatened to attack members of the congregation.
He then ran out of the mosque. A Brimob member on guard fired two warning shot, which were ignored by the man.
He even shouted "Allahu Akbar" (God is Great) and pointed his knife up.
Finally, the Brimob member shot him dead. (WDY)
Editor : I Gusti Bagus Widyantara