Jakarta (Antara Bali) - Military Chief General Gatot Nurmantyo reminded the Parliament to not delay debate on the draft regulation on general elections of 2019.
The 2019 elections would be a combined elections between presidential and legislative elections, that the resistance would be higher, the general said.
"As the resistance is higher longer time would be necessary for preparation," he said at a meeting with the Special Committee for Election Draft Law here on Tuesday.
Gatot said the Committee should wrap up debate on the draft law not later than May 2017 to give enough time to better prepare the elections in 2019.
"The Draft Law on general elections would design combined elections in 2019, he said.
He said if president election would need 10 months for preparation, combination of elections - legislative and presidential elections would need at least 20 months for preparation.
The more time for preparation, the more potential resistance could be minimized and potential conflict could be avoided, he said.
Chairman of the Special Committee for Election Draft Law Lukman Edy said the draft law on elections is a combination of three draft laws - on presidential election, on legislative election and on election operation.
The draft law, therefore, is more complex with more chapters, Lukman said.
"The purpose is that the 2019 elections would be more efficient and effective as presidential election is combined with legislative election," he said.
He said there are still chapters of the draft law that need to be discussed to minimize possible bottlenecks in implementation.
He said the Special Committee for General Election is still seeking inputs from various relevant institutions to enrich its materials.
The Special Committee for the Election Draft Law hopes to wrap up debate by the end of April in 2017, he said. (WDY)
The 2019 elections would be a combined elections between presidential and legislative elections, that the resistance would be higher, the general said.
"As the resistance is higher longer time would be necessary for preparation," he said at a meeting with the Special Committee for Election Draft Law here on Tuesday.
Gatot said the Committee should wrap up debate on the draft law not later than May 2017 to give enough time to better prepare the elections in 2019.
"The Draft Law on general elections would design combined elections in 2019, he said.
He said if president election would need 10 months for preparation, combination of elections - legislative and presidential elections would need at least 20 months for preparation.
The more time for preparation, the more potential resistance could be minimized and potential conflict could be avoided, he said.
Chairman of the Special Committee for Election Draft Law Lukman Edy said the draft law on elections is a combination of three draft laws - on presidential election, on legislative election and on election operation.
The draft law, therefore, is more complex with more chapters, Lukman said.
"The purpose is that the 2019 elections would be more efficient and effective as presidential election is combined with legislative election," he said.
He said there are still chapters of the draft law that need to be discussed to minimize possible bottlenecks in implementation.
He said the Special Committee for General Election is still seeking inputs from various relevant institutions to enrich its materials.
The Special Committee for the Election Draft Law hopes to wrap up debate by the end of April in 2017, he said. (WDY)
Editor : I Gusti Bagus Widyantara