Kupang, East Nusa Tenggara (Antara Bali) - The Indonesian Air Force
will be operating a drome in Atambua, East Nusa Tenggara, the border
area between Indonesia and Timor Leste, in order to increase the
surveillance in the region and prevent possible crimes that could
"This drone will help us to monitor the area and prevent any crime such as smuggling," the Commander of El Tari Air Base in Kupang, Col. Jorry S. Koloay, said here on Tuesday.
He added the drone will be operated in the border areas, especially to monitor any movements related to the law violations.
Operating the drone in border areas, according to him, is a step to strengthen military force both in the air and land.
"If the drone is ready, we will have concurrent patrol in the air and ground," Col. Jorry said.
The assignment of the drone in the border areas has been suggested by Defense Minister Ryamizard Ryacudu some time ago.
In addition to drone, the minister also suggested to add military forces in border areas, remote areas and the foremost islands.(WDY)
"This drone will help us to monitor the area and prevent any crime such as smuggling," the Commander of El Tari Air Base in Kupang, Col. Jorry S. Koloay, said here on Tuesday.
He added the drone will be operated in the border areas, especially to monitor any movements related to the law violations.
Operating the drone in border areas, according to him, is a step to strengthen military force both in the air and land.
"If the drone is ready, we will have concurrent patrol in the air and ground," Col. Jorry said.
The assignment of the drone in the border areas has been suggested by Defense Minister Ryamizard Ryacudu some time ago.
In addition to drone, the minister also suggested to add military forces in border areas, remote areas and the foremost islands.(WDY)
Editor : I Gusti Bagus Widyantara