Jakarta (Antara Bali) - House Speaker Ade Komarudin has urged the
government to revitalize the functions of state-owned company Bulog as
price and national food supply controller to prevent price hikes during
Ramadhan and Eid al Fitr.
"I have often discussed the idea to revitalize Bulog as controller of national food prices and supplies," he said when visiting a traditional market in Tambun, Bekasi, West Java, on Monday.
Flanked by deputy house speaker Agus Hermanto Ade discovered the fact that prices of several food commodities had jumped.
He said one of the causes of the price hike was the reduction of the role of Bulog into a mere "manager" of rice stock and price.
"Minimally Bulog must be given the authority again to regulate seven strategic commodities that often undergo price fluctuations," he said.
He said it was important for the regulating authority to be taken again from the state so that people could enjoy nutritious foods and stable prices.
"People have a right to cheap food which is also a human right," he said.
During the inspection at the market Ade discovered the prices of shallots, beef, and several vegetables have risen although the price of rice was relatively stable.
Agus Hermanto shared Ades view that Bulog has now become a state-owned company it must continue carrying out the state functions.
As a state-owned company Bulog must continue carrying out the state mission of controlling food prices and supplies. It is only how to regulate them so that they would not overlap with other regulations, he added.(WDY)
"I have often discussed the idea to revitalize Bulog as controller of national food prices and supplies," he said when visiting a traditional market in Tambun, Bekasi, West Java, on Monday.
Flanked by deputy house speaker Agus Hermanto Ade discovered the fact that prices of several food commodities had jumped.
He said one of the causes of the price hike was the reduction of the role of Bulog into a mere "manager" of rice stock and price.
"Minimally Bulog must be given the authority again to regulate seven strategic commodities that often undergo price fluctuations," he said.
He said it was important for the regulating authority to be taken again from the state so that people could enjoy nutritious foods and stable prices.
"People have a right to cheap food which is also a human right," he said.
During the inspection at the market Ade discovered the prices of shallots, beef, and several vegetables have risen although the price of rice was relatively stable.
Agus Hermanto shared Ades view that Bulog has now become a state-owned company it must continue carrying out the state functions.
As a state-owned company Bulog must continue carrying out the state mission of controlling food prices and supplies. It is only how to regulate them so that they would not overlap with other regulations, he added.(WDY)
Editor : I Gusti Bagus Widyantara