Jakarta (Antara Bali) - Coordinating Minister for Political, Security and Legal Affairs Luhut Panjaitan said here on Wednesday that the government would increase the budget for intensifying de-radicalization program.
"We have not yet discussed it but we do have such a plan," he said at his office.
He said the increased budget would mainly be used for counseling terror convicts in jail and putting them through a de-radicalization process.
Luhut said a number of institutions, such as the National Counter-Terrorism Agency (BNPT) and religious organizations or institutions, would be involved in the effort.
"Yes, we will involve BNPT. There are many such bodies. We have the MUI (Indonesia Ulema Council), the NU (Nahdlatul Ulama organization), Muhammadiyah organization and others. All of them will be involved. Certainly, funds will be needed for purposes such as distributing leaflets and making educative television programs," the retired army general said.
De-radicalization is one of the important issues discussed in connection with the revised terrorism eradication law now under process.
Convicted terrorists would receive special treatment as a result of these de-radicalization efforts.
"We will later have a holistic program covering religious, psychological, vocational training and other approaches. There are seven approaches," he said.
BNPT had earlier complained about its limited budget for carrying out its de-radicalization program for convicted terrorists after completion of their jail term.
Terrorists launched attacks in Jakarta on January 14, leaving eight people dead, including four attackers. Twenty-six people were injured in those attacks.
A terrorist launched a suicide attack at a police station at Thamrin Boulevard near the Sarinah Department Store, which was followed by a shootout between terrorists and the police at the Starbucks coffee shop adjacent to the Sarinah Department store.
Within hours, however, the police were able to thwart the attackers, killing two of them, while two others died in the suicide bombings, one at the police station and the other inside the Starbuck coffee shop.
The incident also left four civilians dead and 26 injured, including police personnel. One civilian died at a hospital three days after the attack. (WDY)
"We have not yet discussed it but we do have such a plan," he said at his office.
He said the increased budget would mainly be used for counseling terror convicts in jail and putting them through a de-radicalization process.
Luhut said a number of institutions, such as the National Counter-Terrorism Agency (BNPT) and religious organizations or institutions, would be involved in the effort.
"Yes, we will involve BNPT. There are many such bodies. We have the MUI (Indonesia Ulema Council), the NU (Nahdlatul Ulama organization), Muhammadiyah organization and others. All of them will be involved. Certainly, funds will be needed for purposes such as distributing leaflets and making educative television programs," the retired army general said.
De-radicalization is one of the important issues discussed in connection with the revised terrorism eradication law now under process.
Convicted terrorists would receive special treatment as a result of these de-radicalization efforts.
"We will later have a holistic program covering religious, psychological, vocational training and other approaches. There are seven approaches," he said.
BNPT had earlier complained about its limited budget for carrying out its de-radicalization program for convicted terrorists after completion of their jail term.
Terrorists launched attacks in Jakarta on January 14, leaving eight people dead, including four attackers. Twenty-six people were injured in those attacks.
A terrorist launched a suicide attack at a police station at Thamrin Boulevard near the Sarinah Department Store, which was followed by a shootout between terrorists and the police at the Starbucks coffee shop adjacent to the Sarinah Department store.
Within hours, however, the police were able to thwart the attackers, killing two of them, while two others died in the suicide bombings, one at the police station and the other inside the Starbuck coffee shop.
The incident also left four civilians dead and 26 injured, including police personnel. One civilian died at a hospital three days after the attack. (WDY)
Editor : I Gusti Bagus Widyantara