Beijing (Antara Bali) - China has so far repatriated some 70 illegal Indonesian migrant workers, stated Indonesian Ambassador to China and Mongolia Soegeng Rahardjo.

"Around 70 illegal migrant workers from Indonesia have been repatriated, but the Chinese police is still accommodating some others at the immigration offices in Bejing, Tianjin, and Hebei and in our embassy office here," Rahardjo noted in Beijing on Friday.

According to the ambassador, Indonesian migrant workers generally arrive in China on tourist visas through Hong Kong, Shanghai, and Guangzhou.

He affirmed that China has never received migrant workers from any countries, including from Indonesia.

"Therefore, the country has not only repatriated illegal migrant workers from Indonesia but also from the Philippines," Rahardjo affirmed.

He asserted that preventive measures should have been implemented in Indonesia while issuing passports, carefully scanning the profiles of passport applicants, and identifying their clear intent to travel abroad.(WDY)


Editor : I Gusti Bagus Widyantara