Magelang, Yogyakarta (Antara Bali) - Painters are holding an exhibition  to commemorate the discovery 200 years ago of the world famous Borobudur temple in the district of Magelang,  Central Java.

         The exhibition is held at the Limanjawi Art House in the complex of the Buddhist temple
    The exhibition was officially opened  on Saturday night to last until January 2015.

         A number of Indonesian painters including Deddy Paw, Easting Medi, Nurfu AD, Tantto, Umar Chusaeni, Wawan Geni, and Yasumi
take part  and display 30 products of art of painting in the exhibition titled "Borobudur Today".

         The painting products  include "Overwhelming of Blessings" of  Deddy Paw, "Harmony in Peace" of Easting Medi, "Sourch of Inspiration" of Nurfu AD, "Flora and Fauna" of Tantto, "Morning Activity" of Umar Chusaeni, "Responsibility" of Wawan Geni,  and  "It's Yourn  Next" of Yasumi.

         The owner of Limanjawi Art House, Umar Chusaeni, said the exhibition will help encourage local painters to continue developing their creativity  and innovations.

         Umar said many tourists visiting the temple enjoyed the products of art of painting.

         Thousands of foreign tourists visited the temple every year. (WDY)


Editor : I Gusti Bagus Widyantara