Denpasar (Antara Bali) - Chairman of the Golkar Party Aburizal Bakrie has stated that presidium of Golkar`s saviors is an unconstitutional coup that violates the party constitution.
"I invite the cadres who formed a presidium of party`s saviors to return to the right track while shading under the banyan tree (party symbol)," Aburizal said in his speech when opening the 9th national congress of the Golkar Party.
According to him, the party's policy cannot be decided by a person by means of thuggery, intimidation and violence.
"Perhaps some of them have a good intention, but the good intention alone is not enough to achieve (the goal) if it is held through hooliganism and destructively," Aburizal said.
The national congress of the Golkar Party scheduled to be held on Sunday evening and to last until December 3 to elect party`s next leader as the main agenda.
Recently, the deputy general chairman of the party, Agung Laksono, set up a presidium of Golkar`s saviors to hold the congress in January 2015 in protest against Bakrie`s decision.
Members of the presidium included several candidates for the post of general chairman and cadres who had earlier been fired by Bakrie such as Priyo Budi Santoso, Hajriyanto Y. Thohari, Zainuddin Amali, Agus Gumiwang, Lauren Siburian, Yorrys Raweyai, Agun Gunandjar, and Ibnu Munzir.
Aburizal pointed out that Golkar Party is solid and cannot be broken by anyone, asking all the party cadres to be mature in doing the political affairs. (WDY)
"I invite the cadres who formed a presidium of party`s saviors to return to the right track while shading under the banyan tree (party symbol)," Aburizal said in his speech when opening the 9th national congress of the Golkar Party.
According to him, the party's policy cannot be decided by a person by means of thuggery, intimidation and violence.
"Perhaps some of them have a good intention, but the good intention alone is not enough to achieve (the goal) if it is held through hooliganism and destructively," Aburizal said.
The national congress of the Golkar Party scheduled to be held on Sunday evening and to last until December 3 to elect party`s next leader as the main agenda.
Recently, the deputy general chairman of the party, Agung Laksono, set up a presidium of Golkar`s saviors to hold the congress in January 2015 in protest against Bakrie`s decision.
Members of the presidium included several candidates for the post of general chairman and cadres who had earlier been fired by Bakrie such as Priyo Budi Santoso, Hajriyanto Y. Thohari, Zainuddin Amali, Agus Gumiwang, Lauren Siburian, Yorrys Raweyai, Agun Gunandjar, and Ibnu Munzir.
Aburizal pointed out that Golkar Party is solid and cannot be broken by anyone, asking all the party cadres to be mature in doing the political affairs. (WDY)
Editor : I Gusti Bagus Widyantara