Gianyar (Antara Bali) - The Indonesian Army (TNI AD) is developing several technological devices to help supervise the country`s borders.
"We have conducted research to develop them. We hope the devices will replace manual instruments or soldiers who have so far supervised border areas," Army Chief of Staff General Budiman stated here on Saturday.
Through the research, the Army can develop open base transmitter stations (BTS) and multi-rotors to supervise the border areas, Budiman reiterated.
"These devices can be operated from a distance at certain points," he pointed out.
The Army chief noted that his side will prioritize the development of the technology this year and hoped that it can be put to use by 2015.
Devices, such as multi-rotors will be deployed in areas bordering Papua New Guinea, Timor Leste, and Malaysia, Budiman added.
"We have bought part of the research results and have produced low-cost, but very useful devices," he stated.
Budiman said that the Army is also stationing personnel on outlying islands to conduct limited patrols.
Indonesia borders at least 10 countries, including Malaysia, Singapore, Timor Leste, Vietnam, Papua New Guinea, Australia, Thailand, India, and the Philippines. (*/M038)
"We have conducted research to develop them. We hope the devices will replace manual instruments or soldiers who have so far supervised border areas," Army Chief of Staff General Budiman stated here on Saturday.
Through the research, the Army can develop open base transmitter stations (BTS) and multi-rotors to supervise the border areas, Budiman reiterated.
"These devices can be operated from a distance at certain points," he pointed out.
The Army chief noted that his side will prioritize the development of the technology this year and hoped that it can be put to use by 2015.
Devices, such as multi-rotors will be deployed in areas bordering Papua New Guinea, Timor Leste, and Malaysia, Budiman added.
"We have bought part of the research results and have produced low-cost, but very useful devices," he stated.
Budiman said that the Army is also stationing personnel on outlying islands to conduct limited patrols.
Indonesia borders at least 10 countries, including Malaysia, Singapore, Timor Leste, Vietnam, Papua New Guinea, Australia, Thailand, India, and the Philippines. (*/M038)
Editor : M. Irfan Ilmie