Jakarta (Antara Bali) - Indonesia's non-oil/gas industries grew 6.58 percent cumulatively in the first semester this year, up from 5.58 percent in the same period last year.

"With the growth rate we are optimistic national industries could grow 7.1 percent until the end of this year," the secretary general of the ministry of industry, Anshari Bukhari, said to Antara here on Monday.

He said he believed investment in the industrial sector would still grow and drive industrial activities in the country.

In the third and fourth quarter usually industrial growth will be better than in the previous quarters, he added.

Apart from that "there will also be a low-cost and green car program that would certainly boost industrial activities and that would have a chain impact."
Based on data from the National Statistics Agency (BPS), the country's gross domestic product in the second quarter dropped tp 5.8 percent year-on-year from 6.4 percent in the same period last year. (*/DWA)


Editor : Dewa Sudiarta Wiguna