Jakarta (Antara Bali) - Japanese Embassy in Jakarta is staging the Bunraku puppet art show that aims to promote and give an understanding of Japanese culture to Indonesian society.

"If the Indonesian people have a better depiction of Japanese culture it is expected that they will visit Japan to learn and see the artistic staging," Japan's Ambassador to Indonesia Yoshinori Katori said here on Tuesday night.

He said Bunraku has a similarity with Indonesian traditional, Golek puppet, because they both using a dummy. Hence, Bunraku can easily attract Indonesian people due to its similarity.

"You might find the difference and similairity. Bunraku puppets could move up and down, and also its expression could look sad and happy," The Ambassador said.

Bunraku has been shown since ancient times and was originally reserved for royalty in Japan. However, people liked it related to the meaning contained in it.

He explained Bunraku has a variety of stories. Those are included happy and sad story, like a couple who not sanctioned both parents. "But this time the story has a happy ending," he said.

Bunraku is showing at Gedung Kesenian Jakarta on June 2 and July 3 starting at 19:30 until 21:30 pm. (*/DWA)


Editor : Dewa Sudiarta Wiguna