Jakarta (Antara Bali) - A student has died after a brawl between Yake Vocational High School and Kartika Zeni Vocational High School students, which took place near Jalan Sahardjo, Tebet, South Jakarta, on Wednesday.
"The victim's name is Denny Januar, a third-year student at Yake Vocational High School. He died after being hit by a sharp weapon," Tebet Police Precinct Spokesman Broto Suwarno said.
He noted that students from Yake and Kartika Zeni schools had engaged in violent fights several times before.
"The police also regularly patrols near the schools in anticipation of potential brawls. However, this time, the incident happened far away from the patrol zone," Broto explained.
"It all started with students of both schools taunting each other," he added.(IGT)
"The victim's name is Denny Januar, a third-year student at Yake Vocational High School. He died after being hit by a sharp weapon," Tebet Police Precinct Spokesman Broto Suwarno said.
He noted that students from Yake and Kartika Zeni schools had engaged in violent fights several times before.
"The police also regularly patrols near the schools in anticipation of potential brawls. However, this time, the incident happened far away from the patrol zone," Broto explained.
"It all started with students of both schools taunting each other," he added.(IGT)
Editor : Masuki