Jakarta (Antara Bali) - Publicly traded coal mining producer  PT Adaro Energy recorded 23.01 million tons of coal production in the first half of the year up from 22.81 million tons in the same period last year.

In the first quarter of this year the production totaled 10.96 million tons, up to 12.05 million tons in the second quarter, Adaro corporate secretary  Devindra Ratzarwin said here Tuesday.

The country's second largest coal producer has revised down its coal production target to 48 million-51 million tons in the whole of this year from previously set target of 50 million-53 million tons.

The market condition is not favorable, Devindra said.

He said the company has no problem with the government regulation banning mining companies from using subsidized oil fuel starting Sept. 1.(IGT)


Editor : Masuki