Jakarta (Antara Bali) - Nahdatul Ulama (NU) General Chairman KH. Said Aqil Siradj witnessed the signing of a Letter of Intent (LoI) on mining business between  NU and the Chamber of Trade of Tatarstan, a republic in the Volga Federal District of Russia.

"This is a progress in cooperation between Indonesian and Russians Muslims as NU managed to attract Russian investors to do business in Indonesia," the Information, Social and Cultural Official of the Indonesian Embassy in Moscow M.Aji Surya said in his electronic letter received in Jakarta Monday.

In his four days visit to Moscow the NU leader also signed a cooperation with the Russian Mufti. An NU businessman Arief Budiman Sukmawira signed the LoI along with his partner Ramil Mavlyutov, leader of the Tatarstan Trade House (TTH). Kyai Aqil Siradj gave his signature as witness.

Both sides agreed to make the details of the mining cooperation in Indonesia in the shortest possible time. The Tatarstan businessmen for instance will be visiting  Indonesia next month to see the mining locations and discuss a plan to buy helicopters and heavy mining equipment produced in Kazan.

Furthermore, several cooperation schemes like in the telecommunication sector are still being explored. And NU has already appointed several Russians to facilitate business with Russia. In less than a year, if everything goes well, the  NU-Russia cooperation may be implemented.(IGT)


Editor : Masuki