Lisbon (Antara Bali) - Portuguese President Anibal Cavaco Silva is expected to promote his country's potentials to the Indonesian government and people during his visit to the archipelagic country on May 22-23, 2012.

Portugal has potentials in different fields including that in the economic sector as it is known for the producer of grape for good quality wine besides the industries of tourism, automotive, aviation and  paper, the president told Antara here over the weekend.
To promote his country potentials, the president who would be for the first time to visit Indonesia considered important to develop cooperation not only between the two countries' governments but also  the two  peoples from different circles including businesspeople and journalists who are likewise to promote their respective cultures .
He believed that the bilateral relations and cooperation in different sectors would develop well as the two countries and peoples have long historical and cultural ties for more than 500 years as Portugal came to Indonesia for the first time in 1509.
Among evidences showing the two countries' strong relations is that they have already same words and meanings like bangku (chair), bola (ball), boneka (doll), meja (table), keju (cheese), sepatu (shoes), roda (wheel), sekolah (school), bendera (flag)  minggu (Sunday),  jendela (window) and garpu (fork).
In an effort to develop the bilateral economic relations, the cooperation between the  two countries' chambers of commerce and industry was inaugurated by Indonesia's Ambassador to Portugal Albert Matondang in Lisbon last week.(*/M038)


Editor : Nyoman Budhiana