Kuta (Antara Bali) - The ASEAN Film Festival (AFF) 2011 being held in Bali is part of efforts to develop ASEAN's  human resources in the film sector and establish a cooperation network to  promote ASEAN films, a senior official said.

Ukus Kuswara, director general of  arts and film at the the tourism and creative economy ministry, said  through the festival the government and the private sector wanted to forge a common commitment to promoting Indonesian and ASEAN films in international arenas.

Ukus made the remark after attending an  AFF gala dinner at The Patra Bali, Kuta, Wednesday night.

"This is one of our efforts to develop  human resources through those who love films. This matter will be discussed in a forum. Before we  sell our films in the international market, we should sell them in  ASEAN first to know the rehional markets' response," he said.

A number of Indonesian film artists and film directors like Mira Lesmana and Riri Reza, attended the gala dinner. Artists included Lola Amaria, Poppy Sovia and Tio Pakusadewo who appeared  to be enjoying themselves watching a Russian Symphony Orchestra performance.(**)


Editor : Masuki