Manila, the Philippines (Antara Bali) - President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) greeted Andy Tarbusala, 89, the oldest Indonesian living in the Philippines on arrival in Manila, Sunday, to attend the 31st ASEAN Summit and Related summits.

        Tarbusala, who has been living in the Philippines for 28 years as a timber entrepreneur, was among the crowd who welcomed the president at the Diamond Hotel, Manila.

        He was waiting and welcomed the arrival of President Jokowi at the hotel in his wheelchair.

        President Jokowi participated in the ASEAN Summit after attending the 25th APEC Economic Leaders' Meeting in Da Nang, Vietnam, on 10-11 November 2017.

        He is scheduled to hold a bipartite meeting with Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe on Sunday afternoon and one of its agenda is to discuss the 60-year anniversary of the Indonesia-Japan bilateral relations in 2018.

        On Sunday night, President Jokowi and first lady Iriana will attend the Special Gala Celebration for the 50th Anniversary of ASEAN, held at SMX Convention Center, Manila.

        In the summit that will last until Nov 14, Indonesia will promote efforts to increase cooperation, both between ASEAN members as well as between ASEAN and its partner countries. (WDY)

Pewarta: Reported by Yuni Arisandy

Editor : Edy M Yakub